Womens Empowerment& Industrial Training

Womens empowerment and their work force participation are their fundamental rights . Which enable them to have control over the lives and in continuation mark their influence in the society

often times women faces discrimination and gender inequalities in general .But due to certain hindrances like educational attainment level and social barriers .Some women experience multiple discrimination and exclusion us well . Women in our society have different training needs then men since the are burdened with household chores and their of springs responsibility more ever at times contribute to substain the financial earnings. Athma social welfare trust supported every women skill developing .

Womens industrial trainings

They are many government schemes to develop women entrepreneur in our india . Athma social welfare trust gives opporunity to government schemes to womens .(example : pmegp loans, uyegp and muthra loans. Normal womens also achieve their goals. One of the major impact of the industrial revolution was the effect . it had on the lives of women . before the advent of industrialization women were aften tasked with traditional job such as making and repairing clothing . They were also commonly involved with helping manage the affairs of the farm and raising children. Whoever the tradition role for women to changes the industrial and unfolded . For example the impact of the agriculture revolution and enclosure movement . Forced many small farmer off of their land. This cased many people to migrate from rural areas to urban centers in search of work in the newly factors and mines. Athma social welfare trust make every women successed industrialist .

Womens Empowerment & Industrial Training

Helping Womens Empowerment

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